Of parents who take their children with fever to class (previously medicated)

I confess that I once took my son to school with a fever. In my release, to say that it was unintentionally, and that it happened with the youngest, when he was 3 years old, on one of those days that you wake him up "run we don't arrive" and the kid falls asleep in the car, thinking that What he has is dream.

Ten minutes after leaving I was called to tell me that I had a fever, and to take it back home. And I did that. But not everyone can take it home, or leave it with someone, or it is a major problem to start pulling threads and asking for favors, and that's why there are parents who take their children with fever to class, previously medicated.

Why not leave sick children in class

It seems perogrullo to talk about this, but it is important that mothers and fathers know that children who are sick should not go to class. Children, because of their condition as children with a less effective immune system than adults, they spread quite easily.

In addition, it is easier for them to touch or suck (depending on age) objects that others have had in their hands, mouth (or mucus) and that are passed viruses and bacteria With amazing ease.

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Thus, the main reason that the recommendation is "when the child is sick should not go to class" is to prevent that child infects other children, and in turn, that other children do not spread something else that is already bad.

That this is another: many children are sick and come home even more sick because the virus that caused mucus, cough, discomfort and fever is joined by one that causes diarrhea.

And the important thing is not that the child is below 37 ° C, as who goes over 120 km / h on the highway and brakes when passing through a radar so that the needle does not exceed the limit, but is healthy, do not spread diseases, cannot be infected, and be in good condition to listen, participate, play and learn.

And if we give more value to the health of the little ones?

However. Even not sharing that strategy of knowing what is wrong and giving it anything to come through the classroom door with a good face and "do not throw it back", I can understand that some parents try it for what "Surely it is little thing "," This afternoon is probably already better "and" As it gets bad, I don't know who to leave it with ".

And it is that like maternity and paternity leave are tremendously short to raise a baby, that in week 16 you have to stay with a third person (If we take into account that in order for the constitutional right to have decent housing to be fulfilled, the two members of the couple have to work), those first years in which they still get pretty bad still remain a problem that in Spain has not been resolved.

If you tell your boss that you are not going to work that day because you have the child at 37'1 ° C, what will he tell you? What if you tell him that you are not going to work because he has been coughing for a couple of days that does not let him sleep, and that you will return in a couple of days?

Who has the grandmothers (or grandparents) nearby can deal with them, but who does not, what does he do? Hire a babysitter? So, suddenly, one that doesn't even know the child? Doesn't it cost more money to hire her than the one earned by working that day? And if you miss a lot because your son gets very sick, Are you not at risk of being kicked out of work?

Come on, that's the same as me who asked a lot, but I would love that our state began to foster a conciliation where the parents of young children had certain licenses on those days when the kids get sick.

But that won't happen, you know why? Because it will always be thought that we are inventing it, that the child is not really so bad and that we are abusing the system. In Spain we are like this: all corrupt and liars until proven otherwise (no need to ask why).

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Because another option is to take it to the doctor to make you the proof ... but what is the point of taking a child that all he needs is a little bed and love? It is not an abuse of a social security system that is quite overwhelmed already in its day to day, just to "prove" that the child was not to go to school?

Anyway. As you can see, it doesn't have a good solution, but that's what it is and that's how I have to tell you as a father and a nurse: If it's bad, don't take it. Surely when he goes and is healthy, you also prefer that his companions do not go sick, at the risk of infecting yours, right?

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