Week 39 of pregnancy: birth is coming, there is very little left!

We reach the final stretch on our pregnancy tour week by week stopping at Week 39 of pregnancy. Here we will know all the changes that occur in the baby and the mother during this week, so close to the birth of the baby.

But if there is something that interests every woman who prepares for childbirth, it is knowing when the time has come. We also talk to you about it, since if you are reading this there is probably little time left for you to feel these childbirth signs.

Changes in the baby in week 39 of pregnancy

The baby was ready to be born in the 38th week of pregnancy, which is what is known as a "full-term pregnancy." The baby continues to grow although it is likely that you will notice less movements, because it does not have as much space as in the previous weeks.

In the 39th week of pregnancy the baby's length is about 36 centimeters from the crown to the buttocks (about 52 centimeters in total) and the weight is around 3250-3300 grams.

It continues to receive many nutrients from the mother, through the umbilical cord, which is approximately 1.3 centimeters thick. Antibodies also cross the placental barrier and strengthen the baby's immune system by the time it is born, and continues to accumulate fat.

The lanugo has largely disappeared, the nails continue to grow and the baby perceives more and more stimuli from the outside. The lungs are prepared for extrauterine life for a week.

Changes in the mother in week 39 of pregnancy

The cervix is ​​softening preparing for childbirth, and contractions are becoming more frequent. At any time, labor contractions may begin or there may be water rupture if the amniotic membrane is broken.

As the baby continues to grow, the bladder is increasingly imprisoned, we will have to go to the bathroom more frequently. They also increase problems with constipation or hemorrhoids (do not neglect a diet rich in fiber) and difficulties in finding the sleeping position.

To these physical discomforts the nerves are added by the proximity of the birth, or by the impatience so that this arrives at once. Try to stay relaxed and keep practicing the preparation exercises to keep fit and face the moment of delivery with strength and encouragement. But how do you know when that great moment comes?

Signs of childbirth

Any woman wonders how to know when you are in labor. The symptoms of true childbirth They will be noticed quite clearly. True contractions differ from the previous ones, known as Braxton Hicks contractions.

When prepaid contractions give rise to stronger, longer and more frequent ones, it is likely that the baby is on the way. These contractions increase if we are active and do not reduce or disappear even if we change our position.

They are contractions similar to intestinal cramps (sometimes accompanied by diarrhea) or severe menstrual cramps, and can radiate pain to the lower back or legs.

They are usually of increasing intensity and quite rhythmic, although more and more followed. You can have one of these contractions every hour, every half hour, every ten minutes, five minutes, every two minutes, every minute ... over several hours. It's time to go to the hospital if in one hour you have several rhythms.

Too if the membranes are broken, the delivery approaches. It does not usually happen spontaneously, but if this is your case (about 15% of women break water) you have to go to the hospital, especially if the waters are “dirty” or accompanied by contractions.

In the case of water breakage without another sign of childbirth, the future mother has time to take a shower and calmly leave the hospital. There are even those who take a few walks around the hospital before entering (also if the contractions allow it) to favor the baby to lower.

We hope that this information on the changes that occur in the baby and in the mother during the week 39 of pregnancy you find it useful Soon you will see the baby's face and we will finish our pregnancy journey week by week in the 40th week of pregnancy.

Next week: week 40 of pregnancy

Photos | Simon Daniel and erkillian5 on Flickr-CC On Babies and more | Pregnancy calendar: from week 37 to week 40, Pregnancy month by month: the ninth month

Video: 39 Weeks Pregnant. Baby Countdown: Only 7 Days Left Til Baby Roberts Arrive!! (July 2024).