Dads and moms blogs: weekly review

With a couple of days late but not wanting to miss the opportunity, I bring you a new Weekly review of moms and dads blogs with references to some blogs that we had not yet submitted and with others that come to be habitual.

As always, these blogger parents surprise me with their passionate desire to make their experiences and reflections known. The web has become a network that serves to learn and emotionally support other families in the same process. Sharing is essential.

Today I bring you for the first time Learning from Adrián, the blog of Yasmin, a very active mom of Mijas Costa, who in addition to telling us about her daily life with a “spoiled child” who is respected just like adults, brings us interesting documents about such disparate topics as influenza A, the benefits of accompanied sleep or the reality of childhood sleep. What has moved me the most is his account of a “tetada” claim that they organized two years ago and that had a lot of media impact.

In the wonderful Guess how much I love you brings us a couple of very interesting texts. One on complementary feeding and the need to make our concept of how to make it more flexible. In addition, he tells us about his adventures to visit the Prado Museum. And it is that moms do not make this urban world easy at all.

Impressive is this week The Alternative Blog in regards to experiences and interesting knowledge for parents. Can-Men, from whom you can read the profile on its page, has collected a very critical documentary about vaccination that, whatever our position on the matter, I think it is important to know to make fully informed decisions.

In Growing Together, the blog of a family that educates at home, I loved reading how children feel greatly satisfied with an unusual educational experience but that makes them learn and grow with self-esteem and security.

And from it I have come to another blog that I did not know, My children my gold, in which a “Educating Family Carnival Blog” is convened that I am sure can give you very interesting readings in which children, directly, explain what to be Home-schooled can be a wonderful experience.

Will follow reviewing the moms and dads blogs, who always have so much to discover.

Video: When Dad surprises Mum for their wedding anniversary (July 2024).