"You gave me", the beautiful video that captures what we abandoned, but also, what we gained by being mothers

On this day we have been celebrating Mother's Day in different countries, and as every year, it is a time to reflect on the importance of this role in the life of each person. But what does it mean to be a mother? What happens when we take that new role in our lives?

In a beautiful video of just one minute, a mother has captured all those things that we leave when we have children, but also how much we earn by becoming mothers.

It is not the first time that we share one of the videos that with realism and sincerity creates Esther Anderson, the mother behind the blog "Story of this life". Although they are mostly funny and show us situations that all mothers live, such as how complicated it can be to sleep with a baby, this time, it has reached us on the emotional and emotional side.

With simple but precise phrases, accompanied by images that she has captured throughout her life as a mother, Esther shows us in a new video and in a clear, brief and powerful way, what it means to become mothers.

I gave up my body. I gave up sleeping. I gave up my time. I gave up my space. I gave up my moments. I gave up my freedom. But I would give up my life, for just one of his breaths. Because they gave me a new purpose, they gave me a new perspective, they gave me a new pride, they made me a new person. They made me ... a mom.

The video, which comes just a few days after Mother's Day in the United States, has been viewed more than 8.4 million times and has more than 85,000 reactions on Facebook. It has definitely been one that has touched the hearts of millions of mothers, because capture in a simple way, what many of us live.

Yes, we lose some things, but we earn much more

Being a mother is giving up many things, we stop owning our time because now we have some little people who need us. We adjust our schedules and modify our lifestyle to welcome that new family member.

It is true. We mothers give up so much that if we listen to it on that side, we could be left alone with that idea. But in motherhood, you earn a lot more than what you lose. We go through a transformation that helps us grow and want to be better people.

We know the greatest and purest love that can exist. That we receive and give to our children from the moment in which their life depends on us, and until we stop being in this world with them.

Being a mother pushes us to continue giving our best, to fight to reach those we want for the people we love the most and to do everything in our power to guarantee our children a better future.

Yes. We can sacrifice a lot, set aside many things. But the reward is great, so much so, that despite feeling exhausted, we would not hesitate to do it all once again. Or two, or three. And having the honor of seeing a baby grow and develop is a wonderful show.

Esther is right, when she shows us that process we go through and in which we say goodbye to things that seemed essential to us before. Being mothers, we may give up many things, but in the same way, we gain others.

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