
If the child scratches his head with four hands it is not a condition sine qua non, but it is very possible that lice are visiting

The louse is a small insect, without wings, that only feeds on man. Before sucking the blood, it injects a toxin, which is itchy. Their contagion has nothing to do with the cleanliness of the environments that children frequent. The pediculosis or lice infestation It is transmitted from person to person and through combs, brushes, caps, hair accessories, pillows.

Check your head, especially on the back of the neck or behind the ears, where nits, small white eggs and future lice are housed. They can be confused with dandruff, but the difference is that when shaking the head the dandruff falls, instead the nits are subject to less than one centimeter of the root. The larvae leave the egg at approximately seven days and in fifteen each adult female is able to lay an average of 200 eggs. This is why timely prevention is so important. What to do? Today there are many products with permethrin to combat pediculosis, which should not be used as prevention and are not recommended in children under two years. There are also home remedies that have not failed to give good results over the years. A very effective classic is to rinse the hair with white vinegar after washing to change the ph of the hair and then pass a comb with the spikes very close together to detach the nits. As they comment in Mamiblog, according to research published in the British Medical Journal, lice remover combs are more effective than pediculicidal shampoos, because lice have developed resistance to shampoo components.

As a prevention, comb the hair frequently to eliminate possible eggs, which the child does not exchange with other personal objects and decrease the temperature of the neck; that is, short hair in boys and two tails or braids in girls.

The lice can live 30 days in the head of the man, but only two or three days out of it. To remove them from the bedding, it must be submerged in water at 50 ° for at least five minutes; to remove them from combs, brushes, etc., put them in boiling water for ten minutes.

Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: How to Get Rid of Super Lice (July 2024).