Long live the mess

Why are children so messy? Many mothers sometimes complain about the disorder that children generate. When they are two years old, they start taking everything out, spreading toys and enjoy doing it, but they turn three, four, five years old and continue to do so.

The truth is that they do what they like, but we must teach them by having them collect their toys as if it were a game more. Depending on the age we can do it by creating these habits from childhood, since it is much easier for children to be messy than ordered.

We, human beings, are disordered by nature, we start life being messy, but the stage that is more critical is from 30 months, they feel great pleasure altering objects, everything is interesting and more see things where they don't they must be. It is the way they have to begin to understand the world around them, we must bear in mind that it is we, the adults, who impose order, since we know that things are better in place to save space and be able to live in an organized way. .

The child does not have the sense of orderly or disorderly things, in fact, it does not matter, but it is important that they learn what things are important and which are not, and challenging the order of things they learn. It is important that we as parents be convincing and rigid asking for order, it must be sorted because it is the order that they have to learn in the same way that they have learned that they should eat, have dinner, sleep, etc.

Teach them to take responsibility for the disorder that generates help to learn to live civilly in the future with other people. We must be patient and not ask children to be impossible, since sometimes, unconsciously adults transmit to children our own obsessions about order, that is, if we see a poorly closed drawer we must not exaggerate.

Video: Ed Sheeran - I'm A Mess x Acoustic Sessions (July 2024).