Beautiful song from a father: Juan Luis Guerra, "Rompiendo Fuente"

I still remember with emotion the first time I heard this song by Juan Luis Guerra in which narrates the moment when his daughter will come to the world. It was recently, when I was almost 40 weeks pregnant, I didn't see the time to give birth and they had to schedule my birth. With the sensitivity to the surface of the skin and the wishes that before the "deadline" Mar will arrive naturally.

It was good to hear (and dance) this song to remember that the wait was worth it and that a pretty girl was waiting for me too. The title of the song maybe misleads many of our readers, I recognize that I did not know the expression "break source", and that is a Dominicanism that means break the waters.

So at a Caribbean pace, the refrain of this song about motherhood made me excited: "And I suspect that you will give birth to a beautiful girl like you." This is the complete lyrics of the beautiful song:

Breaking Source

My wife works in Zona Franca embroidered sleeves in shirt sleeves and picks up the evening ring with a "jean" sun in her smile.

It takes nine months of illusions with my pregnant love every day and a jerrycan of stars announcing that it must soon be a woman born.

And I have the suspicion that you are going to give birth to a beautiful girl like you.

My wife milks the hope with diapers and a pillow of yarn and between cut and cloth disguises herself as a tear that falls into the river. Do not hurry, empty heart puja the belly, and that the seas that life hurts open is mother's law but the fruit forgets the suffering. And I have the suspicion that you are going to give birth to a beautiful girl like you. Hears! Bring yeast dreams of brandy night my wife with moon grass is breaking fountain. In a world where the living are survivors my wife with moon grass is breaking the fountain. Nine months and a little fish swimming in your belly my wife with moon grass is breaking fountain. My wife with moon grass is breaking fountain my wife with moon grass is breaking fountain. Bye, mother! Bid! Rain water transparent night my wife with moon grass is breaking fountain. In a world where the living are survivors my wife with moon grass is breaking the fountain. Puja, mother that with a scream life turns on my wife with moon grass is breaking source. My wife with moon grass is breaking fountain my wife with moon grass is breaking fountain. Bye, mother! Bid!

Video: Mi Padre Me Ama - Su Presencia Juan Luis Guerra (July 2024).