The healthiest snacks

At lunchtime or snack time, parents often run out of ideas or due to haste we vary the menu of the little ones. However, among the ingredients To make a snack rich, there are some healthier foods than others, and we should look at it, both to vary and not to fall into unhealthy excesses.

If we focus on cold cuts and sausages, the healthiest snacks are those made with the least fatty products that provide protein and vitamins: serrano ham, loin, cooked ham and turkey or chicken breast. These cold cuts contain 10% fat or less.

Other suitable foods although they contain more fats (over 20%) are sausages such as light sausages or low-fat pate.

If we choose normal sausages or pate, we would be in the least suitable foods, which constitute the tip of the nutritional pyramid that we see below.


At the top of the pyramid are less recommended sausages because of its high fat content, and although, as they say, once a year it does not hurt, we should not abuse these foods in our children's snacks (nor ours): they are blood sausage, chorizo, sausage, the mortadella, the sausage, the chopped, the salami ...

I am glad to see that we are choosing my oldest daughter's snacks quite well, since we usually make sandwiches of ham, serrano ham and loin. Also some day of tuna and tortilla.

Although all the sausages are lost to me (also those at the top of the pyramid), she is not used to taking them, and I hope she stays that way for a long time (although she has tried the sausage once and it seems she will not disgust ...).

As always, we will have to look at the quality of the chosen products, it is always more advisable to buy them at the cut than packaged, because they contain less preservatives. Take a look at the composition of the cold cuts never hurts, because we can see the amount of meat (for example in the blocks of cooked turkey) as well as dyes, fats and other components.

This pyramid focuses on sausages and cold cuts, but remember that a snack can be enriched if, along with the foods just mentioned (the healthiest) we add cheese (fresh or low fat), tomato, lettuce, olive oil ...

So we will have the healthiest snacks for our children, being part of a balanced diet.

Video: WORST Snacks & Healthy Alternatives- Chips & Cookies! Weight Loss Tips, Nutrition Info (July 2024).