Childhood cystitis

A childhood cystitis In infants or children, if it does not happen to be a lower urinary tract infection, it does not give much problem if treated with antibiotic. The complication arises if there is reflux of urine from the bladder (dirty area) into the ureters (sterile area).

This reflux can cause the infection to go to the kidney and become a pyelonephritis, so you have to be very careful, as young children who suffer from various pyelonephritis, can get kidney problems.

Therefore, if a baby has cystitis, do contrast tests to rule out reflux. On many occasions, when they find reflux in a baby, antibiotics are prescribed at minimal doses to avoid infections, since it is very possible that with growth, the reflux problem will disappear alone.

Studies indicate that in 46% of cases, children under 2 years with urinary infection, associate bladder-renal reflux, decreasing to 9% children between 2 and 5 years.

Childhood cystitis

The childhood cystitis, is more frequent in girls from 4 to 6 years old. One of the causes that cause these infections, is the way to clean, from back to front, this results in the drag of possible germs near the anus into the vagina. When germs enter through the vagina, they pass into the bladder causing infection.

This is simple to avoid, we must teach you to clean properly and accustom it to do so. Explaining what can happen in a way that is understandable to her and supervising for a few days that she is doing it correctly will help reduce the possible risks of urine infection. Hygiene is also important, and it must be fair, since excessive hygiene of the genitals can cause the loss of the flora that protects it.

Bebesymas | Urinary infections in children