Exercises to facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal

According to specialists, there are a number of exercises very suitable so that when the time of delivery arrives, it is easier for the baby to go through the birth canal. Exercise during pregnancy is very beneficial, since it reduces cardiovascular stress, controls weight and even favors recovery during postpartum.

On previous occasions we have talked about how beneficial some exercises are, but this feature needed to be highlighted, facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal. You can perform the exercises at home and they will help you strengthen muscles that are inactive and try to prepare them for the time of delivery.

These exercises should be done in a gentle way and never forcing the muscles, as this could lead to some small muscle problem. One of the exercises consists in adopting the Turkish position, that is, sitting across the legs as if it were a yoga posture. In this exercise, you should try to close the anus and vagina and keep the pressure for a few seconds. The exercise should be done at least 10 times.

Then, with this same posture, breathe 3 or 4 times with the abdomen and then move the head to the right and to the left describing a semicircle. This pair of exercises help tone the baby and relax your neck, abdomen and shoulders.

Another recommended posture, is the cat pose, is about trying to place the pelvis at the heels and at the same time, bring your hands forward stretching your back as much as possible. This exercise helps to relax and stretch your back.

Flexibility in the hips is also very important, with this exercise you will gain a little more flexibility. You should lie on your side, raising your leg flexed and always very slowly. While doing this exercise, you must accompany it with your breath, inspire when you lift your leg and expire while you close it.

This series of exercises can be complemented very well with those of strengthening the abdomen during pregnancy and spherodynamics, gymnastics with balls.

Video: 7 Easy Exercises for An Optimal Pregnancy & Labor (July 2024).