The antigens determine the Rh of the blood

There are many questions about the incompatibility of blood Rh, although they hardly cause problems today, this problem raises many concerns. The first question of which we must know the answer is, what is the Rh of the blood?

The Rh of the blood is determined by an antigen It is found on the surface of red blood cells or also known as red blood cells. These are the most common type of cells that are found in the blood and that are the main source for transporting the oxygen necessary for our body. We are Rh positive if the antigen is in our blood and Rh negative if we do not have it.

To be more specific, there are more than 40 known antigens that are part of the Rh system. The antigen is a protein substance that certain people possess in the cortex of their red blood cells. The majority of the world's population possesses this antigen, which makes them Rh positive, according to experts, a percentage of 22% of the world's population do not possess this antigen, thereby having a Rh negative blood group.

Rh is positive or negative, it only influences our life in two things, if there is pregnancy or there is a need for a transfusion. Depending on the type of Rh we possess, our body will accept or reject a transfusion. In pregnancy, Rh is not a problem for the mother but it can be for the child due to that antigen.

The Rh of the father influences when it is positive and that of the mother is negative, so the baby has 2/3 chance of inheriting the positive Rh provided by the father. When this occurs and whenever it is the first pregnancy, which is when the mother has not yet come into contact with Rh positive blood, there are no risks for the baby, but as there will have been sensitization during the course of this first pregnancy, when waiting The second child may have problems if the baby is also Rh positive. If, on the contrary, in this second pregnancy the baby inherits the mother's blood group there will be no problem.

If during the second pregnancy, the Rh of the baby is positive (remember that the mother's is negative), there is a possibility that the baby's blood will penetrate the mother's blood flow when the umbilical cord is cut during childbirth, That minimal contact can cause the mother to become sensitive and start producing antibodies, since the mother's body considers the baby's blood as something dangerous.

According to experts, when both parents are Rh positive, babies will have no problem, even if the mother is Rh positive and the father Rh negative, both in the first pregnancy and in the following.

When both parents have the negative blood group there will be no problem, there will only be one possible problem when the mother is Rh negative and the father Rh positive and always from the second pregnancy.

Video: Rh Rhesus Blood Types. .Are you positive or negative?! (July 2024).