Tell us your story: a upbringing with respect for David

We still get a lot of stories from parents. Among all of them we have received from Colombia what we transcribe next, a short but sincere story of David's proud mother, the beautiful 21-month-old boy that you can see swimming in the pool in the photo above.

His mother tells us how the pregnancy happened and that they have decided to give David parenting based on instinct and respect.

Friends, our story is very pretty. When we heard about the great news, that is to say that we would be parents, it was a very joyful moment and full of emotion, with all the symptoms and discomforts that it brings ... pregnancy brought me unique, special and wonderful moments, to see my belly grow more and more ... with each month a new expectation was created, more curious to want to understand what was happening with my body, and very grateful to life because my little son day after day was developing satisfactorily !!!!

Knowing that you can give life is great. I also really wanted to see his face, it's like an anxiety difficult to explain, but I also wanted not to separate from him. He was finally born on August 1, 2006 and since that day he makes our lives shine, he illuminates our home with every laugh, with every new thing he discovers, in short our little angel is wonderful, very intelligent and eager to explore the world that surrounds him tirelessly. Since we were born we have wanted to nurture David with respect, we know that we are not perfect for that reason we try to inform ourselves to grant good bases and tools so that our son is a good man, so as not to make mistakes due to physical ignorance, and let ourselves be carried away by our instinct that is the key to everything when we allow ourselves to listen. Thank you for providing this space.

Video: David Dobrik Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions. WIRED (July 2024).