Incompetent cervix

During pregnancy, the cervix or cervix is ​​usually sealed with a mucous plug. However sometimes the entrance to the uterus begins to dilate before the pregnancy has come to an end, which in general can happen in the third or fourth month.

This problem is known as incompetent cervix, which occurs when it opens prematurely under pressure from the uterus and the fetus that increase in size.

Any opening of the cervix can cause the amniotic sac to descend into the vaginal canal and rupture, which would result in an abortion. It is estimated that between 1% and 2% of pregnancies suffer from incompetent cervix, and it is believed that this is the cause of 20 to 25% of spontaneous abortions during the second quarter.

Another of its consequences may be the very premature birth of the baby, with serious dangers for your health, even for your survival.

If it is diagnosed on time, the doctor will take the measures that you consider appropriate to prevent an abortion.

  • It will probably send rest during pregnancy, and ban sexual intercourse.
  • You can perform a surgery to tie and close the cervix (cervical cerclage or suture) that is not without risks.
  • Sometimes a plastic or rubber patch or device is placed in the vagina to raise and support the cervix and keep it closed, which would be removed approximately one week before the expected date of delivery.
  • It can also be treated with medications that stop or prevent labor contractions before the fetus is mature.

Despite all these measures, it is possible that abortion will eventually occur. In fact, in many cases the incompetent cervix is ​​only diagnosed when a woman suffers a miscarriage in the second trimester after experiencing progressive slimming and dilation of the neck no vaginal losses or detectable uterine contractions.

It can also be diagnosed when an ultrasound or vaginal exam shows the shortening or premature opening of the cervix.

Video: Weakened or Incompetent Cervix (June 2024).