Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, the baby vomits very frequently

There are cases in which the newborn vomits excessively, especially after 15 days after birth and within the first 3 months, this may be due to the child suffering a hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. This is a disease that is especially characterized by the narrowness of the pylorus (valve that allows food to enter the intestine).

Being the pylorus so narrow, the food that has been processed in the stomach cannot pass through it to the intestine, the consequence is the accumulation of successive meals and the corresponding vomiting. As we know, vomiting is counterproductive since the child does not feed properly, loses necessary substances for his body, loses weight and becomes dehydrated. Controlling from the birth of the child his vomiting is necessary, in addition they are characterized in a very peculiar way, the food comes out with great force and gives the impression of being a small stream, this is composed mainly of the milk that has not digested and the mucus that makes the stomach.

When the child suffers hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, his vomiting begins at a distance and with little force, but as the days progress, they are more frequent and with more force. Faced with such a situation, do not hesitate to go quickly to the pediatrician who will be in charge with the radiologist to perform the relevant tests and rule out or diagnose the disease.

The operating room will be a mandatory step, the operation is simple and favorable in most cases, although as we usually indicate, each case is different and only the accurate diagnosis of the specialists will give the solution.

Video: An Infant with Pyloric Stenosis (July 2024).