Dads and moms blogs: weekly review

As every week, we will miss a look at the contents that bloggers and moms bloggers have written on the net in recent days.

A blog with which I laugh a lot and continue for a while now is Dad in practice. Started being I will be father and once it was, it has become Dad in practice. The last post is a must if you want to have fun for a while. Reflect on a situation that qualifies as a repellent, quite common in some parents who want to see their little converts as artists.

In Breastfeeding, a blog written by a father and very well documented we find the news of the launch of the Baby Wolverine, a doll that encourages breastfeeding that comes to revolutionize the world of toys that we have also talked about Babies and more.

Good news is what comes to us from Blue beetle, a blog written from England by a mother fond of cooking. In the last entry he announces the arrival of his second daughter.

In Be mom You will find an interview without waste about the role of the father in breastfeeding the pediatrician Carlos González whom many of you like and for those who do not, is the author of books on "attached" parenting as My child does not eat me, Kiss me a lot and A Gift for a lifetime.

Finally, in Lola's mom I found the beautiful drawing that illustrates the cover of this weekly review of dads and moms blogs. He refers to the fact that all women are able to feed their babies, that all problems are solved with the right information and advice.

Illustration | © 2009 Lola's Mom

Video: When Dad surprises Mum for their wedding anniversary (July 2024).