Composite names for girls: when one only falls short

Congratulations! A new little person is on the way, and now that you know she is a girl, the time has come to think of one of the first most important decisions of her life: the name she will carry.

Some parents opt for traditional names, while others choose some short and original. But also a great option, are the compound names. We share some classic and modern ideas of compound names for girls.

Why choose a compound name

Having a compound name is not very common in Spain, although it is a little more common in Mexico. Choosing a compound name for our baby has some advantages that make it an ideal option to choose it.

On the one hand, by including two names, we can choose to put a classic and a more modern or original name, which could be a long-term advantage for the girl, because if the modern name is something unusual, she will always have the option of use the classic name, so also we leave her the option of choosing which of the two to use.

Another advantage is that in some cases, parents fail to agree to choose a single name, so by choosing a compound name, you can end family differences by choosing a name each.

Composite names for girls

We share some of the most common compound names for girls, based on the INE records and the names we have heard most.

  • Ana Belen: "Ana" is one of the most used names when choosing a compound name, because it is short and looks good with many others. It is of Hebrew origin and means "compassionate and merciful," while Bethlehem, also of Hebrew origin, is the name of the city where Jesus Christ was born.
  • Ana Maria: In addition to "Ana", "María" is the most chosen name when opting for a compound name (we will see this a little further ahead). It means "the chosen one" or "the one loved by God."
  • Ana Sofia: Of Greek origin, Sofia means "wisdom" or "the one who possesses wisdom."
  • Ana Victoria: Of Latin origin, Victoria means "winner."
  • Sweet Maria: This is a compound name that denotes a lot of love and love, because "Dulce" comes from Latin dulcis, which means "the one that is pleasant and sweet," and "Mary," which as we have already seen, means "the one loved by God."
  • Emma Sofia: a compound name that although it has a soft sound, has a great meaning. "Emma" is of Germanic origin and means "Great," "Strong," "Immense," and "Powerful," while "Sofia" means "wisdom."
  • Emma Victoria: a combination that denotes greatness, being two names whose meanings represent strength, greatness and triumphs, as we have seen in previous mentions.
  • Luisa Fernanda: of Germanic origin, "Luisa" means "famous warrior", while "Fernanda" means "the one who fights for peace".
  • Angelic Light: of Latin origin, "Luz" means "the one that gives clarity", while "Angelica", also of Latin origin, means "the one with great resemblance to angels".
  • Luz Elena: Of Greek origin, Elena means "bright as the sun", "clarity" or "dazzling", which makes this compound name, one with meanings that represent something similar: someone who enlightens others.
  • Mine Isabella: of Hebrew origin, "Mine" is a diminutive of "Mary" while "Isabella" is the Italian form of "Elizabeth," meaning "promise of God."
  • Sofia Valentina: of Latin origin, "Valentina" means "courageous", "vigorous".
  • Victoria Maria: a compound name, special for strong girls and those who get ahead, because it means "winner" and "the chosen one".

Composite names with Maria in front

The names that are undoubtedly more common when thinking of a compound name, is Maria, a classic name, of a lifetime and of the most used alone or accompanied. Its origin is Hebrew and means "the chosen one" or "the one loved by God."

The main reason why there are so many compound names that lead "Mary" to the front, is because previously the priests asked the parents to include the name of Mary at the time of baptizing and choosing the name of their baby. We share some of the most common and their meaning.

  • Maria Carmen: Interestingly, it is this compound name is the name currently most used in Spain. "Carmen", of Hebrew origin, means "the garden of God."
  • Maria Elena: of Greek origin, Elena means "bright as the sun", "clarity" or "dazzling"
  • María Eugenia: feminine form of "Eugene", which is of Greek origin and means "noble noble."
  • Maria Fernanda: "Fernanda" means "the one who fights for peace."
  • Maria Isabel: "Isabel" means "promise of God."
  • Maria Jose: Although "José" is usually a male name, this compound name is widely used. Of Hebrew origin, it means "magnified by God."
  • Maria Luisa: of Germanic origin, "Luisa" means "famous warrior".
  • Maria Paz: of Latin origin, "Peace" means "tranquility."
  • Maria Teresa: of Latin origin, "Teresa" means "huntress."
  • Maria Victoria: of Latin origin, "Victoria" means "winner."
  • Maria Virginia: It comes from the Latin virginis or virginalis and means "maiden, virginal".

Name modern and original compounds

If you are still looking for a compound name, but you want something that is different from the most common or that does not have "Maria" in front, we propose some of these combinations and ideas:

  • Alba Carlota: "Alba" is a name of Latin origin, and means "Aurora", "Dawn", "white and bright", "the one who was born with the first light of dawn". "Carlota" is a variant of "Carla", which means "powerful."
  • Ava Catalina: of Hebrew origin, "Ava" is an English variant of Eva and means "to give life", while "Catherine" is of Greek origin and means "pure, immaculate."
  • Carla Estefanía: "Carla" is a name of Germanic origin, its meaning is "powerful", "the one that is strong". "Estefanía" is a name of Greek origin, which means "well crowned."
  • Clara Alejandra: of Latin origin, "Clara" means "bright, bright," while "Alejandra" means "protective of men."
  • Cora Isabella: "Cora" is a name of Greek origin that means "maiden, young virgin girl", while "Isabella" is the Italian form of "Isabel", which means "promise of God".
  • Emma Cristina: "Emma" is of Germanic origin and means "Big", "Strong", "Immense" and "Powerful". "Cristina" means "faithful follower of Christ."
  • Eva Martina: of Hebrew origin, "Eva" means "the one who gives life", and "Martina" is the feminine form of "Martin", which means "consecrated to the god Mars", the god of war.
  • Lucia Victoria: "Lucia" means "the one born in the light of day", while "Victoria" means "winner."
  • Luna Isabel: of Latin origin, "Luna" means "to shine, to illuminate," while "Isabel" means "promise of God."
  • Mia Estefanía: of Hebrew origin, "Mine" is a diminutive of "Mary," while "Stephanie" is a name of Greek origin, meaning "well crowned."
  • Pía Emilia: of Latin origin, "Pía" is the female variant of "Pío", which means "devotee". "Emilia", meanwhile, has two meanings: the first, of Latin origin, means "the one who works hard", and the second, of Greek origin, means "kind."
  • Regina Sofia: "Regina" is the feminine form of rex (king), it means "queen," "celestial queen," while "Sofia" means "wisdom."
  • Sara Cristina: of Hebrew origin, "Sara" means "Princess," "lady," "sovereign," while "Cristina" means "faithful follower of Christ."
  • Sofia Alexandra: "Sofia, of Greek origin, means" wisdom ", while" Alexandra ", also of Greek origin, is a variant of Alejandra, which means" protector of men. "

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