Interesting colloquium on breastfeeding

I wanted to share with you a interesting discussion about breastfeeding between different professionals that address issues such as breastfeeding, respected childbirth or the importance of not separating the baby from his mother, preceded by a brief report on milk banks.

It is a fragment of the "For all 2" program that addresses issues that highlight the importance of milk banks in Spain, what is the protocol that is followed for donors, what is this breast milk used for, especially for extreme premature children ...

We also have the opportunity to see how donated milk is stored, processed and analyzed in a breast milk bank. It explains why these banks do not contradict the promotion of breastfeeding.

But perhaps the most interesting is the colloquium which is established below, after three minutes of the video, with the participation of different professionals: Lucía Alcaraz, midwife and lactation consultant; Charo Quintana, gynecologist; and Luis Ruiz, Primary Care pediatrician and expert in breast pathology.

Breastfeeding data are offered in Spain, it is explained why it is not usual for mothers to breastfeed until six months of the baby, which is what WHO recommends. There is also talk about the importance of the mother's first contact with her baby after birth and the benefits of breastfeeding.

The ideal conditions of childbirth, skin-to-skin contact, the case of non-respected births ... also fit into these statements. There is talk of birth plan so that women are aware that they are the protagonists of their deliveries, the Children's Hospital initiative of children, or maternal leave, issues that we also talk about frequently in the blog.

Is breastfeeding natural or cultural? Do women feel guilty for not breastfeeding their children? Is feeding our babies a public or private issue?

The answers to these questions, which give rise to interesting reflections, are found in this interesting discussion about breastfeeding I recommend you if you could not see it at the time.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | Video: how to extract and store breast milk, The milk bank for premature babies in Catalonia, Who and how can you be a donor of breast milk ?, A milk bank inside

Video: Seth M. Noar, Mary Junck Research Colloquium (July 2024).