Five keys to food safety (video)

At breakfast time, lunch, snack, dinner ... at all or at any of all those times of the day we are dedicated to cooking. It is one of the actions that many families, who more and less, perform several times a day at home. Even those who cook less may do so on weekends, at night ...

With children it is not worth that "we eat anything today", so we often put on our apron and get to work. However, in this process that is so everyday and so important we often forget that there are certain food safety standards if we don't want to put our health and that of our family at risk.

In this informative video of the WHO we are explained in a clear and close way what are the risks of some incorrect actions when handling food and cooking. Five keys to food safety, which may be affected by microorganisms that cause disease. The five keys to avoid microorganisms are:

  • Maintain cleanliness (of hands and food) to avoid contamination.

  • Separate raw and cooked foods so that they do not contaminate each other.

  • Cook food completely to kill microorganisms.

  • Keep food at safe temperatures (heat or cold) so that bacteria do not proliferate.

  • Use water and safe raw materials to avoid contamination.

We hope, after watching this video (which incidentally draws a lot of attention to children: will it be less costly to wash their hands?), Apply more consciously the Five keys to food safety, to cook safely. Remember that in this way we are also giving a good example to our children, who already help us in the kitchen and that at some point they will have to make their own dishes.

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Video: WHO: Five keys to safer food (June 2024).