Survey: go to childbirth preparation classes or not

Every pregnant woman and her partners wonder or imagine what the time of delivery will be like.

As I said on one occasion, I believe that the work of prior information helps to face the moment of delivery with realism and greater serenity. In that information, the preparation classes seem fundamental to me.

Although, as our partner Lola pointed out, the ones that help are the good classes of childbirth preparation. Those that combine a physical preparation with an emotional, treating childbirth as a natural process. Those that give you information about the before, during and after birth, those that inform you of all your options, those that guide you about breastfeeding and the first weeks of life of the baby, the puerperium ...

However, there are those who do not think the preparation classes are an appropriate way to prepare and choose other sources of information, or there are those who simply decide that They are not worth anything and what it has to be will be.

In our Special Pregnancy we would like to know your opinion about a training we can take when the end of pregnancy is approaching: childbirth preparation classes. Of course, the survey is valid for both our male and female readers, since we consider that the preparation classes are a matter of two. I encourage you to answer, you have already gone through the experience or consider it for a more or less probable future.

You can mark the option of your preference and then give "vote" so that the vote is counted. In "View results" you can see how the results are going, and later we will announce them in a new post to know which or what are the majority options.

Of course, apart from the vote you can leave your comments about your opinion or own experience. Thanks for participating!

Video: What is a Labor Market Survey (July 2024).