Music and children with disabilities

Music is a discipline that has always been related to the intellectual area. This is not a product of chance, but, although it is an art, it requires precision and meticulousness that helps develop the child's intellectual abilities, and if he has learning difficulties, the question is adapt the musical field to the abilities of the disabled child.

When an educational program is established, the child's level of competencies is established, the way in which an objective can be overcome is identified and the activities that favor its development are designed from there.

Specifically for music, we can differentiate different ways of practicing it: listening, complementing dance, interpreting an instrument or learning music theory, harmony and singing. Depending on the child's skills, we can propose one area or another.

In the area of ​​musical interpretation, an important aspect to consider is that the instrument is meaningful to him and that he is satisfied after practicing. Children with disabilities have a low tolerance for frustration (in general all children, but these more) so we must ensure that the offers we make are within reach.

Percussion (instruments that resonate with an impact), is an interesting musical family because it exercises not too complicated motor skills and combines them with structural elements of music such as rhythm, rhythm, participation in group activities and social integration (for perform standardized activities).

The xylophone (the one in the picture), for example, is an interesting option to introduce the child to these types of activities. Later you can show others of greater complexity (flute, piano or violin) taking into account that the more complicated the fine motor skills (the movement of the fingers and hands) you have to develop, the more difficulties we will introduce in the The child's progress and more risk will be frustrated by leaving that "zone of near development."

In summary, music can be a very effective complement to the development of children with disabilities, provided we are respectful of their possibilities and tastes.

Video: 'You And I' for Children With Disabilities - Unicef #disable2enable (July 2024).