International Day of Forests: forests without children and children without forests, something to change

March 21 is one of those days when there are no more commemorations and celebrations and even less in my house ... but that is another story. Yesterday I was talking about International Poetry Day and how fun it is for children to read poems together, we also reminded you that it was International Down Syndrome Day and we met personal stories, vital stories that excited us.

Today we talk that yesterday, March 21, has been International Day of Forests according to the United Nations And yes, it is also vital for children to be in touch with these natural environments.

This is the first year of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and March 21 of this year was officially the first International Day of Forests.

Forests: sources of wealth and life that we strive to destroy

It is essential that we do not stop focusing attention on the importance of these natural environments, on how vital it is that we keep them alive if we want to stay alive too.

“Investing in forests is an insurance policy for the planet”
Ban Ki-moon Secretary General of Nations Unit.
Message on the International Day of Forests.

From a purely biological point of view, The forests are home to more than 80% of the animal and plant species on the planet. From our point of view as humans, the forests, their trees and everything that entails, generate wealth for the environment, work, shelter and security to the communities that develop in their vicinity.

Always keep in mind that around 1.6 billion people depend on forests to live although we are still committed to its destruction. We remain committed to the deforestation of all the forests of the planet at a bleeding rate of 13 million hectares every year.

The forests and the children

I don't know a better environmental activist, a better disseminator of ecosystems, a better promoter of behaviors that respect the environment than a child, any of our children.

To explain to them that the environment is vital is to make them aware that their own life is in their care and in their protection, but it is also that, above the abstract concepts, the need of nature that children have for their correct development It is a verifiable fact according to experts, psychologists and pedagogues.
It has already been detected childhood disorder due to nature deficit and the therapy is very simple: go out to the countryside, to the forest, to the natural environment that we have closer.

José Antonio Corraliza, Professor of Environmental Psychology at the Autonomous University of Madrid, has interviewed more than a thousand children to deepen precisely in this disorder due to nature deficit, coined in 2008 by Richard Louy and which raises the need for direct contact and connection with the natural environment, a contact that makes children stronger when facing stressful situations and that of course, makes them environmental defenders.

Going out to the field, climbing a tree, getting wet in a river, getting stained with grass, stepping on a "Poop", take a flower, that a wasp bites us, see how the ants walk, discover the magic that encloses a stick or a stone inside and in our imagination ...

All those actions that we have done when we were children and that now our children are almost completely unaware, it is very worthwhile to recover them and not only on the International Day of Forests, but precisely to fight for their protection and respect, because we can only love what we know and we cannot deprive our children of it, For your own good.

Video: International Day of Forests 2019: Forests and Education (July 2024).