It is not an effective measure to offer 2,500 euros for each birth in Spain

That Spain needs to promote birth is a public domain news, the surprise came earlier this week when the president of the Spanish government indicated that the granting of 2,500 euros for each baby born in our country began, but this The measure has not been accepted as I surely expected and that is not about putting a price on the births of children.

Given the news of the granting of the aid, criticism has not been expected by various entities, agencies, etc. Some of them could be described as great truths. This help cannot be offered in the same way in all social strata, it is not the same as that received by a wealthy person with monthly income that could exceed the annual income of a worker (in fact he does not need this help) that a person receives With a humble salary that does not exceed for example 10,000 euros a year, it is necessary to clarify this aspect. Another important issue, many families would gladly exchange this aid for other types of improvements that in the long run are much more beneficial, such as a free daycare, greater reconciliation between work and family aspects, with parents being able to attend more and better to their children, in reality there are many social improvements that could be made and that would possibly be more effective in promoting birth, than an economic aid that in the first six months of the babies has already vanished, finally we will continue to have the same problems that until now.

In other countries they contemplate the economic aid but they contemplate with greater emphasis the aspects that we have mentioned previously, the help of the Spanish government will not improve the situation of a family that hardly arrives at the end of the month because it is paying a high mortgage, the food is expensive, also the rest of consumer products, taxes ... and endless complications, are not solved with 2,500 euros.

An adequate social policy that contemplates some of the aspects that we have highlighted could be an effective solution. We are still very far from the treatment that families from other European countries receive, birth is an issue that should be more worrying, in our opinion, and surely that in many, the proximity of the elections has led to new help and not real interest in changing the situation of Spanish birth.

Video: Ireland Travel Skills (July 2024).