They successfully separate two babies who were born united by the head

It is incredible to see how medicine advances day by day and nowadays things that were unthinkable were achieved today. Things like intervening babies before birth, operating them successfully thanks to 3D printers or, as we explain today, successfully separate two babies born together by the head.

They were perfect for their parents

13 months ago they were born by caesarean section Anias Y Jadon McDonald, two babies who came together by the head in an extremely rare condition that was not an impediment for their parents to love them from the first moment.

Although many of the babies born together by the head die soon (about 40% are not born alive and those who survive, a third die in the first 24 hours of life), the McDonald brothers left forward to date, with 13 months old.

Their parents, Nicole and Christian, who have another older son, turned from the beginning with them and came to love them so much, as they are, that they have always considered that they are perfect just as they were born. However, with the intention of offering a better life, an autonomous life to each of them, they decided to carry out the separation, although the fear was more than evident, because it was a very complicated intervention.

The intervention started a while ago

As we read on CNN, although the operation was carried out two days ago, it all started a few months ago when they had a skin graft on their head so that more skin was available. Thus, when separated, there would be room to cover the head of each of the babies.

To prepare the intervention, they looked for a specialist surgeon in these cases, the Dr. James Goodrich, which chose to rehearse the intervention beforehand with a 3D head model.

A complicated operation for Anias

Despite this, despite the fact that they had previously prepared the moment to try to control all possible scenarios, complications began to arise at the time of the operation, especially in the case of Anias. His parents say that Jadon is the most mischievous twin, the most extroverted, while Anias is the "silent warrior", who when he looks at you seems to study your soul, and has been the one who has had the worst time.

Apparently, with each advance his blood pressure and heart rate were affected, and the surgeon came to consider the possibility of stopping the process by realizing that they shared more brain tissue than they thought.

However, they found a way forward. The operation began at seven in the afternoon on Thursday, and at seven in the morning Jadon left the operating room. Anias had to stay for a while longer, since he didn't leave it until one in the afternoon. Although they tried their best to achieve the best possible result, doctors are still cautious in the child's prognosis.

Wishing the best for both of us

It is clear that the parents have had a very bad time. They had two relatively happy babies, with the serious inconvenience that they were joined to each other by the head; by separating them, in a dangerous operation, the two put themselves at risk. Now they are two independent babies of each other, but it has been a joy still full of uncertainty. The joy of knowing that they are finally separated, with the fear that something went wrong.

Hopefully the separation, which has been successful for now, ends up being definitely with the passing of the weeks and months, when you can confirm that both are fine.

Video: Conjoined Twins Abby and Erin Delaney: A Year in the Life (July 2024).