The beautiful family photo in homage to her first baby who died with 14 months

We are used to seeing the typical family photo in which parents appear, facing each other, smiling with their children, but not all stories are the same. This family photo is different, and it is beautiful. In her father and mother appear on their backs with two tattooed wings and between them, a newborn baby. And although we see a baby, in reality, their two children are present in the photo: Claire, a girl of almost two months, and her first son Isaac, an angel who left when he was 14 months old.

Photographer Megan Miles was the one who captured this photo so beautiful that it was shared on Twitter by the mother's sister and quickly went viral for how significant it is.

My sister & her husband got tattoos of angel wings after their son died 2 yrs ago. They had a baby girl in June. This moves me to tears.

- Grass (@ Grace_Arend_13) August 9, 2017

The Indiana couple, consisting of Steven and Gloria Kimmel, went through the greatest pain that parents can go through. A little over two years ago, on July 31, 2015, they lost their first son Isaac, as a result of spinal muscular atrophy type 1 (the most severe). It is a neuromuscular disease of a genetic nature, characterized by a progressive loss of muscle strength (also known as AME or Werdnig-Hoffman disease), which affects one in ten thousand newborns and most do not exceed two years of life due to respiratory failure.

When Isaac died they decided to tattoo each one a wing on his back, which when they join together they form a pair of wings that represent the angel that always accompanies them. "Our son was half of each of us, so each one has one of his wings to support us," said the mother.

"He was the angel that held us together when we were so lost without him. Tattoos are a reminder that he is always with us in spirit."

Now that Claire arrived in their lives, the illusion in the family is renewed, always under the warm gaze of her guardian angel.

Video: Only On 9: Couple Who Shared Pics Of Stillborn Baby Explain Their Decision (July 2024).