Controversy over the video of the "uncomfortable children" in Mexico

If this is the future that awaits me, I do not want it. Stop working for your parties and not for us. Stop to fix the country by little above. Doña Josefina, Don Andrés Manuel, Don Enrique, Don Gabriel, time is up. Mexico has already hit bottom. Are they just going to go for the chair or are they going to change the future of our country?

It is known as the "Uncomfortable Children" and are several videos launched by the organization "Our Mexico of the Future" Last Tuesday. In them, different children are seen interpreting adults who imagine a future without crimes, insurance, without poverty, with more hospitals, schools and parks and less pollution ... and they demand from politicians a better future.

The children act as if they were representatives of different trades: executives, ranchers, taxi drivers ... but also kidnappers, corrupt police and drug traffickers, which seems to have bothered many sectors (interestingly, those in their hands change that future).

In the video that tops these lines, the one that has raised the most blisters, children experience different situations: robberies, corruption, demonstrations, kidnappings, illegal emigration ... And politicians, in the background, appear asleep before that panorama.

Don't you find that scene familiar? Is it not what is moving many people in recent times against the established power that does not seem to meet the reality that ordinary citizens live?

In the background, the next elections in Mexico. Several deputies and legislators in the country have criticized the documentary where children appear as adults who require presidential candidates to solve the problems of the population.

By cons, the Network for Children's Rights in Mexico, a coalition of 73 organizations in favor of children, questioned the legislators who demonstrated against the video and urged them to legislate in favor of children and adolescents.

From the Network they consider that the girls and boys who participate in this video are actors, the script is made by adults and therefore reflects the adult view of national problems.

Children suffer from a problematic present

In my opinion, once you have seen the images of the videos that we present here, it is that with this controversy you want to mask the underlying problem in Mexico: 39 million people under 18 years of age, including three million girls, boys and adolescents, work. 1,200,000 children also suffer from malnutrition, five million schoolchildren suffer from overweight or obesity ...

In addition to all of this, the video shows the violence generated within the framework of the fight against organized crime, which has killed approximately 1,500 girls and boys in the last six years.

For its part, in the face of criticism for the video, the organization "Our Mexico of the Future" said that this movement does not represent the opinion or position of institutions, sectors or individuals in particular, but "represents millions of Mexicans."

Politicians have pointed out that the video is "detestable" for using minors, it has even been pointed out that child actors could get traumatized for the elaboration of those images. Which seems to me a barbarity, because of children traumatized actors would be the world, they are not the first nor the last that are put before the cameras.

What can traumatize them is to live situations like those they represent, such as living a violent episode in the first person. The children that appear in the images are old enough to distinguish between fiction and reality, none would live their interpretation as something real or a source of danger.

It is clear that the script is made by adults and reflects the adult view of national problems. In the second, softer video, the same children who represented the different situations all ask for a better future.

Personally, I think it is right and effective that children are the protagonists of the images, among other things, the maximum dissemination of their requests is intended and otherwise it would not have been so striking. The "uncomfortable children" are the future and they can also claim improvements for their adult life, the same improvements that most adults want today.

Video: Canada Election: Trudeau faces controversy over blackface images and video (July 2024).