They invent a device so as not to forget the baby in the car

In view of the tragedies of dead children for having been forgotten by their parents inside the car, a Malaga has invented a device that alerts the driver if the baby is left forgotten in his car seat inside the car.

The operation of the device is very simple. Like when we leave the lights on when we get out of the car or we don't put on our seat belt, when the driver activates the central locking of the car an alarm tells us that the child has been sitting inside in his seat.

It works by means of pressure sensors under the seats and chairs of children connected to an electric switchboard. According to its inventor, they are not expensive parts and could be a cheap system when developed in an assembly line.

I find it hard to understand how a father or mother can forget that he is carrying his baby in the backseat of a car. They say that it is a product of stress, of routine, to think of a thousand things ... There are children who have been forgotten for several hours in cars in the sun and have died of dehydration. As I heard at 50 degrees of temperature brain death occurs and you can imagine in the summer with the car completely closed.

The truth is that unfortunately they are misleading that happen more and more often and are paid too expensive. That's why ideas like this device that alerts us to possible forgetfulness of babies inside the car (which is still in the prototype phase) seem essential to avoid so many absurd deaths.

Video: Migos Carpool Karaoke (July 2024).