Incomprehensible: between 20 and 45% of pregnant women consume alcohol

Although campaigns are often done to remember that during pregnancy it is not advisable to drink a drop of alcohol, the figures of pregnant women who prove it show that much remains to be done.

Between 25 and 45 percent of women consume alcohol during pregnancy, a habit behind Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (SAF), the first cause of irreversible but avoidable mental retardation.

This syndrome affects 1% of births in Spain, some 5,000 children with the worst disorders related to prenatal alcohol exposure. They are babies with low birth weight, stunted growth, abnormal and characteristic facial features and a central nervous system dysfunction.

Babies with fetal alcohol syndrome can also have malformations in other organs, such as the heart, and may suffer difficulties in the coordination of movements, ability to concentrate, hyperactive behaviors and emotional instability ... These disorders can occur combined in a very different way.

The incomprehensible figures of pregnant women who drink alcohol were released yesterday in a statement from the Spanish Scientific Society for Studies on Alcohol, Alcoholism and other Drug Addiction Socidrogalcohol on the occasion of World Fetal Alcoholism Day which is celebrated tomorrow, Monday, September 9, and on which we will return.

The high numbers of women who drink alcohol during pregnancy indicate that there is not a correct perception of the dangers that this entails, although there is also a lot of social permissiveness about it: "Nothing happens for a drink."

And maybe nothing happens for a drink, but maybe, because the minimum safe amount of alcohol is not proven. It depends on each one if they are willing to take the risk or not, as long as there are no alcohol problems, I think the solution is simple.

On the other hand, cases in which the mother suffers an addiction to alcohol are not the most common, but they are undoubtedly the most serious cases and need medical attention that often is not carried out due to a family context and unfavorable social.

Therefore, let's remember once again: during pregnancy alcohol can be very harmful to the health of the fetus and cause irreversible damage to the baby. Prevention is simple: the woman must completely put aside alcoholic beverages throughout pregnancy. And even before getting pregnant.

Video: Everything You Wanted to Know about Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder: A Primer for Non-Clinicians (July 2024).