Pregnancy is the best treatment to rejuvenate

In an earlier post I was talking about an excellent scientific report on "mother-child communication in pregnancy" by the University of Navarra that has concluded, among other things, that pregnancy reduces the mother's stress.

I have said that we would continue to explain it because it is worth knowing and disseminating this type of research in a way that we can all understand to better understand the biological process of pregnancy.

Some terms may be too scientific, but it is very interesting to find a biological explanation for what happens when we are pregnant, information unknown to most ordinary people who are not scientific experts.

The study talks about a phenomenon called maternal microchimerism, whereby, because pregnancy is the symbiosis of two lives (how beautiful it sounds), the mother stores in her body cells from the baby she has developed. Some stem cells in the blood of the fetus and placenta pass into the maternal circulation.

These cells called PAPC (acronym in English of pregnancy-related cell progenitors) They are stored in key organs of the mother such as the liver, bone marrow, thyroid skin, kidney, lung, etc., and due to their fetal origin they contain a great capacity for regeneration. Therefore, they collaborate with the woman's own stem cells to function as regenerators of the mother's organism.

For example, it has been detected that these cells are involved in the repair of the heart of women suffering from heart disease. Male fetus cells have been found (easier to identify than those of women) converted into mother's cardiomyocytes.

As the study indicates, we should understand pregnancy as an effective regenerative medicine treatment. Why do we want antidotes and regenerative creams when we can have children, that in addition to making our lives happy and making sense, they rejuvenate us ... in every way.

Video: 10 Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Know. Do & Don't (July 2024).