KidsKontrol is a virtual agenda to manage the tasks and activities of the kids

A group of students from the University of Burgos have launched the application for phones and tablets called KidsKontrol. It is a functionality designed so that parents do not forget any of the children's daily activities and that includes extracurricular activities, periodic tasks, sports activities or medical consultations. And it is that the application allows to synchronize in addition, the devices used by parents, guardians or caregivers thus ensuring that everyone is perfectly informed.

KidsKontrol is a virtual agenda that allows you to manage and organize All the daily activity of the children. It is a good complement for fathers and mothers who demand and want to use electronic resources to be more productive and organized. Kids Kontrol has a very clean interface and includes five differentiated areas: calendar, academic, notes, health, activities and finance.

With the calendar You can have the whole integrated agenda of the kids, from sports activities, private lessons to medical check-ups or punctual notes (exams, jobs, purchases, birthdays, etc.)

In section academic You can manage the exam schedule and the notes received. An effective way to assess your progression, as well as the monitoring of exercises, homework or private lessons to reinforce the shortcomings.

The part of the notes It refers to organize before those small jobs that our children do periodically: school representation, buy a gift for a birthday, etc.

And the space of activities and finances It is an organizer of extracurricular activities or private lessons that includes the management of invoices for products purchased.

For the Health The application allows you to save notes on medications and prescriptions, vaccination calendar, visits to specialists, etc.

The application is now available for users of Android phones and tablets on Googleplay. There are two versions, the free, which is limited by time of use and includes advertising and of payment that for 0.99 euros Allows full access and free of advertising.

We wish them good luck to these brave students who with this initiative demonstrate impulse, enthusiasm and are willing to solve the management, not always easy, of the day to day of the parents. We hope they are very successful and I am convinced that they are capable of doing many more projects of interest. I dare to tell you that the name of Kontrol is the one that seems not very suitable for an application because parents do not really want to kontrolar, I think we like more to educate, train, accompany or assist the growth of children.

Video: How to Cunfigure MikroTik Kid Control Feature on EVE-NG Part 2 (July 2024).