Babies are hardly born on weekends

I found it curious, but above all worrisome. From the blog of the Association El Parto es Nuestro a news has reached me: already babies are hardly born on weekends, at least in Andalusia.

They have published a graph made according to data from the Institute of Statistics of Andalusia that has analyzed the births of babies in this region over the past few years. The results are very clear once the births are analyzed by days of the week: babies are hardly born on weekends.

That, obviously, is not due to natural causes, it is not that children prefer to go out into the world when there are more doctors working or do not like to lose Saturday in the womb, it is due to the widespread custom of causing births, accelerating them or directly program them for causes that are not medical but organizational, which is undoubtedly an inappropriate interference in the natural process of birth.

Do not forget that speeding up a delivery with synthetic oxytocin, programming without real need or causing it artificially increases the possibility of complications, instrumental deliveries, caesarean section and problems for the newborn, in addition to increasing the rates of maternal and infant mortality and morbidity, so all These interventions should only be done with justified causes that compensate for the added risks.

He who babies are hardly born on weekends It alerts us about the medicalization of birth, which in Spain and specifically in Andalusia, remains excessive.

Video: This 8 Year Old Girl Has Hardly Grown Since She Was Born. My 40 Year Old Child (July 2024).