The beach: an incomparable game scenario

Gradually temperatures rise (in some places, suddenly) and The possibility of going to the beach begins to arise.

We are going to collect some of the most positive aspects that this coastal activity offers both physically, intellectually and socially.

  • Walking barefoot favors the muscle tone of the sole of the foot helping to avoid "flat feet."
  • Children also strengthen the ankles, since their foot has to adapt to the irregularities of the sand.
  • On the beach there is nothing to break (or almost nothing), so the child experiences the freedom to build, destroy and play with his imagination. Also, do not pick up later. The development of the symbolic game and the planning and construction skills are exercised spontaneously.
  • On a social level, children agree on the shore and, without realizing it, relate to each other by communicating, negotiating and reaching agreements: do we make a castle or a hole? If you leave me your rake I leave you my shovel? Don't throw sand at me!

The greatest indicator of the level of activity that children develop on the beach is to observe how they are when they return home in the afternoon: broken. Although sometimes it is lazy to organize to go out to the beach, fill the car with sand, make a batch of showers in the afternoon ... If there is a possibility, I think it is a matchless game scenario.

Video: Tidal Wave (July 2024).