Asperger syndrome

He Asperger syndrome, Despite not being well known, it is a fairly common brain development disorder, which occurs in at least 3 percent of children and is sometimes not properly diagnosed. People who suffer from it have a normal external appearance but suffer problems in their brain development that make their daily existence complicated. This disorder is, as I said, unknown to the majority of the population and even to many professionals.

When it is diagnosed in children it is usually when adaptation problems have already begun and this can complicate their treatment. Children with Asperger syndrome They are completely normal intelligence. It occurs more frequently in men. These children begin to attract the attention of their parents or educators with abnormal behavior, sometimes inappropriate and sometimes surprising. Above all the most problematic areas are relationships with others although their speech acquisition is normal.

They and their families, without proper treatment and support, can suffer and feel enormous isolation. But it is important to understand that their striking behaviors or difficulties do not necessarily have to be painful if the environment accepts its peculiarities. They are different in some ways, but they waste humanity. Early diagnosis is very important, as is being treated by appropriate professionals and based on associations of families with the same problem.

Asperger syndrome

In order to detect cases as soon as possible, it is convenient for parents to see a specialist if they perceive symptoms that suggest that the child may suffer from this disorder. The symptoms of Asperger syndrome They are very varied and not all appear in all cases, however it is very useful to know them in order to recognize them.

The area of ​​social skills is usually the most problematic. Some signs can be summed up in a relationship with others unsatisfactory or insufficient. He doesn't enjoy group games or doesn't understand the rules, he can't stand not winning. Opt for solo games and prefer to stay at home. Their relationships with adults are simpler than those established with children their age, especially if they are unknown.

It is innocent, which makes it possible to be mocked but also to act or comment without any tact, becoming offensive. It is believed what they say, even if it is something objectively impossible and everything is taken to the letter. This is related to a certain inability to understand nuances and double meanings in expressions.

Children with Asperger Syndrome

The children with Asperger syndrome they do not usually present problems in the acquisition of speech and can even be expressed with an extensive and elaborate vocabulary, although in long conversations they are abstracted and change the subject. They can be pedantic or monotonous in their speech. It is noted that they often do not look into the eyes when speaking. Some of the characteristics about the linguistic area to pay attention to are the comprehension of complex phrases or questions. The double meaning is very problematic for them. They remember the data and usually have a predilection for logical subjects.

In the motor area it is noted that he may have difficulty putting on his shoes or clothes, doing it the other way around. It has poor motor coordination which is reflected in the fact that it may have little dexterity to catch a ball, problems dressing or buttoning the buttons or standing out for a strange rhythm when walking or running.

They develop very specific interests for particular topics, to which they spend a lot of time and look for data almost exclusively. For example, numbers, vehicles, maps, league rankings or calendars. They talk a lot about this subject, without realizing that it can be boring for their interlocutor.

They can have other striking characteristics, such as the need to repeat movements, actions or reassuring rituals. Also, in some cases, there is drooling, difficulty swallowing and extreme rejection of certain loud sounds or friction of certain textures. It may happen that they are agitated or mixed in stressful situations.

None of these symptoms are defining by themselves, so, in case of suspicion, the important thing is to go to an association or an expert in the field.

The Asperger can be considered to be within the continuum of autism, with classical autism and Asperger syndrome in the other one. Also, within Asperger's Syndrome, there are degrees and variants. But we can define that it is a developmental disorder that affects normal life, although many adults manage to have an adapted work and family life. A person with Asperger can be calm and shy, greatly withdrawn, but can also be outgoing and with a strong character. What characterizes it in general is the involvement of three related areas.

Difficulties of Asperger's Syndrome

They present difficulties in social relationships because it is very difficult for them to interpret what their interlocutor thinks or feels because nonverbal language or the subtleties of intention of verbal language are unknown.

They develop interest and restrictive and stereotyped behaviors and a striking mental rigidity. They do not accept the changes, they have stereotyped reassuring movements. They do not understand the nuances of linguistic metaphors.

In communication they may not express their feelings, reject the displays of affection or only do so at the extremes of joy and fury, while being very circumspect. But above all it is very difficult for them not to foresee events, causing them unease when they occur. Hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli is also not uncommon in these children. His parents often comment on the firm refusal of the child to carry certain kinds of materials, eat foods of a certain texture or towards any unexpected stimulus.

People with a Asperger's disorder They are misidentified in the educational environment and their relationship problems are often misunderstood as simple "behavior problems" or "personality problems." Normally they are considered as rare and eccentric, socially or obsessive people.

In addition, these students are often diagnosed very late since the detection of autism may not identify less severe variants of the disorder, especially if there is no mental or language delay. That is why these children remain undiagnosed for years, or are wrongly diagnosed with learning disorders or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This lack of diagnosis causes them increasing difficulties in their attempts to respond to the demands of elementary education without the necessary support and families are often worried and disoriented in the face of difficulties.

For that reason, go to the associations of Asperger syndrome, It is a solution to the diagnostic doubts and the real problems of those children who suffer from it and their families.

Video: Asperger's Syndrome Interview (July 2024).