Physical activity in children, essential for a good rest

Exercise is beneficial for the physical and emotional health of children. Among other things, it strengthens bones, prevents obesity and contributes to have a better rest.

No need to tell parents. In general, when they do a lot of activity then they sleep like little angels. The more physical activity they do during the day, the faster they sleep, although some cost more than others.

According to a curious study about it, children take 26 minutes on average to fall asleep at night. For every hour of intense physical activity done during the day such as running, the time to cocnciliar the sleep was reduced by 6 minutes.

On the other hand, for each hour of sedentary lifestyle that children spent a day, the time it took to sleep was extended by 3 minutes.

In addition to falling asleep faster, physical activity helps them sleep more, as they also found that children who slept before also slept more and those who took longer to fall asleep slept less.

Rest in the little ones worries all parents. A bad rest affects your performance and your mood. Therefore, we have to take into account that the activity is not only good for improving physical fitness, it controls overweight and prevents diseases but also It is essential for a good rest.

Video: The Importance of Sleep: 8 Scientific Health Benefits of Sleep + Sleeping Tips (July 2024).