How much time is necessary to practice and work to achieve excellence?

The answer seems to be among the 10,000 and 20,000 hours of work to create a masterpiece. If we want to express it in years and assuming that every day we are able to devote eight hours of work, they are between five and ten years, rounding and assuming that one day we must rest. Apparently that may be the magic figure, work very hard for ten years for a creator to achieve excellence and make his first masterpiece.

In Yorokobu magazine they indicate that the great geniuses, or at least recognized by all, such as Pasteur, Picasso, Einstein, Freud and Darwin had a great capacity for work and extraordinary enthusiasm. For example, Bach wrote 20 daily pages of music, Edison presented more than 1,000 patents in his professional life, Albert Einstein signed 240 publications and Freud arrived at 330. And that is one of the great conclusions of scholars of how to achieve Excellence is that at least inspiration has to find you working to enjoy success.

More cases that confirm the time of 10 years are that Einstein published his theory of Relativity ten years after his first studies on special relativity, that Tim Berners-Lee developed the Internet and the protocol of www links in 1990, a decade after creating his first program that was an embryo of the current Network. Other great artists, who are not scientists, were The Beatles that were shot making thousands of hours direct during their initial stage in Hamburg (Germany) between 1960 and 1964 in concerts lasting 6 or 7 hours. On this stage there is a most entertaining and exciting movie called BackBeat.

So when we want our children to achieve excellence we also have to be aware that they have to be allowed to work, evolve and give them guidelines and help so that they have the necessary pieces to build what they think. Apparently they need skills, knowledge, skills, ten years or more of intensive work, perseverance and independence, high intrinsic motivation and some luck. In my opinion, luck is what also comes to you when you're working, so it doesn't seem as relevant as the previous ones.

So let's be patient, help our children build their universe as rich as possible and then let them go. And let's help them. Each family will have to evaluate if they want to have a genius in the family, in any case we would need to leave at least 10 years of intense work and that requires a high sacrifice on the part of all.

Video: 8 Habits of Highly Successful Students (July 2024).