Twins of different father

Greek mythology related cases like this to us. Heracles and his brother Ificles were born as twins, but the first was the son of Zeus and the second of the mortal Host. Their mother, Alcmena, conceived them on the same long night and grew up sharing the uterus. However, in everyday reality we had not heard that this could occur in a confirmable way, even if it was possible. But now it has happened, a twins were born children of different parents.

The mother had an extramarital relationship when she became pregnant but until now, almost a year after birth, she and her partner did not decide to confirm what they suspected from the obvious differences in the appearance of their children.

After the DNA analysis, the results were clear. There is a 99.99% chance of the twins have different biological father, that is, at the time of fertilization there was a pregnancy of twins and each of them came from a different parent.

This "phenomenon" is called heteropaternal superfecundationIt is rare and can occur when the woman produces more than one egg and becomes pregnant. If you have sex with two different partners the sperm of both would be alive at the same time and it may happen that each egg reaches one of each man.

The current couple of Mia and father of one of the children, has decided to forgive the infidelity confesses, and wants to take care of both babies who will raise as his children and those who will tell the truth about what they have different parents when they are prepared to understand it.

Video: My twins have two different fathers! The Maury Show (July 2024).