"Verne for Children": bilingual stories that bring the adventure novel to young children

We already have at home the three bilingual books written and illustrated by Pablo Zamboni and edited by the Edebé publishing house. They are a great way to approach the figure of Jules Verne, and They also enable simultaneous reading in English and Spanish..

They have been published in capital letters, that's why They are suitable for children from three years, although at that age you will have to read them because of the density of the reading. The best thing is that text and illustrations are adapted to first readers, and as soon as the children become familiar, they will gradually pick up the stories to read them alone.

"Journey to the Center of the Earth," 20,000 leagues of underwater travel ", and" From the Earth to the Moon ", a good introduction to the work of Verne, who can know more thoroughly when they are a little bigger

As you are seeing, the illustrations are very captivating, due to 3D modeling, bright colors and attractive design. The recreation of Zamboni is surprising and very current, although the characters of these classics are perfectly recognizable.

Pablo Zamboni is an Argentine artist dedicated to illustration and design in visual communication. As an illustrator, his experience includes works for children's books for Warner Bros, Scholastic and Egmont among others. Currently, in addition to a freelance artist, he is developing his own collections of children's stories.

I am sure that you will like them, and the children too; in fact and to my surprise, mine devoured them ... the merit is from the stories that are very beautiful, because it is clear that children as they are larger have the ability to read texts with some complexity. But they had not been attracted to literature for children for a long time.

By the way, I don't want to forget that the translation is from Robin Gill.

Come on, don't tell me you don't feel like giving away one of these books to your children, grandchildren, nephews ... or asking for it at the school library where you work. Verne is already timeless but now it is more fashionable than ever, since its Journey to the center of the Earth He is about to turn 150. Each one costs 6.40 euros.

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