"That child who is unsupervised will be sold as a slave": the controversial poster of a bar in Murcia

The controversy about the behavior of children in public places is not new. Children are children, they behave like children, and have the same right as anyone to go to a bar, a restaurant or a hotel, but it is also true that there are parents who completely disregard when their children cause problems.

Still further the controversy posters like the one they put on the Venus de Cieza bar in Murcia, which has gone viral on social networks, provoking all kinds of comments, both criticism and praise towards the owner of the bar.

He tone in which it has been written It does not go unnoticed. In the photo of the poster, which was shared on Twitter by Pascual Almagro, you can read:

"Any child who is without maternal / paternal supervision in this bar will become the property of the bar and will be sold as a slave."

It could only happen in Murcia😂😂 pic.twitter.com/b0BZQbzHCX

- Pascual Almagro (@ Pascui_20) May 12, 2019
In Babies and more "We do not have to put up with your children": a tweet ignites the controversy about the behavior of children in restaurants

As explained by Manuel Villalba, the owner of the bar, in an interview for TV the poster It was written jokingly. It's a phrase he found on the internet, he liked it and decided to use it for his clients.

The message is addressed exclusively to parents with the intention of taking responsibility for their children's behavior when they go to the bar with them.

"I have two children and I love that everyone plays, but they have to do it within rules and respect the customers and the furniture. I have seen children playing football and their parents here without telling them anything, and that is what It can't be, ”he explains in the interview.

The poster was exposed for a year and has been stolen yesterday, but the owner has said he will put it back, although maybe without the word "slave".

When the poster appeared on Twitter, the reactions soon multiplied. On the one hand, criticism for being a sensitive and inappropriate subject to joke about it. And on the other, those who find it necessary to warn parents to take care of children:

Little joke, but when I was a waitress some parents thought that tbn was the babysitter. They left the little one swarming by the bar and they on the terrace or the confectionery next door

- María Angeles Cámara ♀️ (@Maria_DelValle_) May 13, 2019

Bravo!. How could we make certain parents understand that some of us did not leave home for dinner with their children. And less, enjoy their screams, careers and lack of education in general. Come on, we prefer to have quiet dinner. The children for their parents.

- Manuel Alcaide Fombu (@ManuelFombu) May 13, 2019

Ahead!!! There have to be more initiatives like this. But above all we have to educate feral parents, children in the background are not to blame.

- JAMELGARM (@ JAMELGARM1) May 14, 2019

It is clear that the poster was written jokingly and not with the intention of blaming or threatening children, but the words chosen are not the most appropriate. It is also true that it is not the first time we see warning signs for parents for not taking care of their children in public places. How would it be for you to meet in a public place with such a sign?

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