Free virtual cards with lots of humor for recent parents

Let's put a touch of humor today with these funny virtual cards of Someecards that we can send for free to acquaintances who have been parents recently.

There are some can be shocking, but it is the hallmark of the cards on this website. All include slightly acidic legends like the card above that says "you will be a great father, assuming you are the father."

Thus, there are a number of cards classified by subject, which is funnier, although you have to be in little touch depending on who they are sent to as some rub the aggressive. Not everyone understands humor in the same way and I imagine that the intention is not to offend anyone. They can be sent online without any cost or request a printed version on Moo Cards.

Below, you can find more examples ... and they are the softest.

Video: Funny Mother's Day Cards - make Mum smile this year! (July 2024).