The 12 reasons why uncles are also an amazing company for their nephews

A few days ago we decided to pay homage to the aunts, sisters of the father or sisters of the mother, or sisters-in-law of these, for being who they are and being as they are, for caring for and loving both our children and for being a young figure, with energy and without the need to be as responsible as a mother or father should be, which are the maximum references of children and their example is basic.

Both on Facebook and in the post itself many uncles felt upset because they were excluded in that post and, as they deserve it, today we pay tribute to them the 12 reasons why uncles are also an amazing company for their nephews.

Because if they have children, they will know a lot of games

If uncles already have children, I'm sure they already know a lot of games, so they will have no problem throwing themselves on the ground, getting dirty if necessary and including the nephews in the games with their children. In addition, they will know incredible stories, of the stories they have already read and almost memorized, and the amount of movies that have been swallowed, so they are perfect to have a lot of children sitting listening carefully waiting for the outcome of a story that It may seem incredible.

Because if they don't have children, games are invented

If they don't have children, they may not know so many games or stories, but it doesn't matter: they are invented. They will not be as up-to-date as far as stories are concerned, but it will be enough for them to take a little back to remember some videogame, some comic or some science fiction series to have them spellbound as long as it takes: "you may want to know something of a man who got a very special ring, which when he put it on appeared a green suit and a mask, with which he could do as many things as he imagined. " "Or maybe you don't know what a Hobbit is, who might look like a dwarf, but is smaller, and might look like a child from afar, but not up close ... they are fantastic trackers, very quiet, and curiously I know the story of one who! once saw three trolls! "

Do you have to drink tea? They become a distinguished young lady with gestures of the most educated. Does it be Batman? They will know how to make the voice perfectly, until the throat is left in imitation if necessary. Do you play cars? No problem. To soccer? Surely it will be benevolent and will only be haggled four times until you decide to pass it on to someone. To the dolls? They also know how to make a woman's voice, so you have to listen to what they have to say, because it sure is "important."

Because they are like dad, without mom's filter

A father is a person who devises games and activities with the children that are slowly being censored because they don't like mom. When they are young, babies, obviously not, but when they are older, both parents and children love "juggling" games, which are those that are made being the boy juggling. Now I throw you, now I make you fly, now you make incredible turns through the air, etc., until the mother gets angry and threatens Dad with something that makes him change his mind. Come on, parents end up having a filter.

But uncles don't have it, so they are like the father they could never have, in the "worst" sense of the word (for mothers). I myself have thrown some of my nieces in the air and, my mother, then they did not want me to stop throwing them: "Go, tell your father to do this more often, that I am leaving my arms" ... but no, how are you going to do something like that? No father wants to sleep on the couch.

Because they are like an older brother

Just like aunts are like older sisters, uncles can be too: for how fun they are, for the things they do with our children when they are together and because they can teach them many things and can become a trustworthy figure. Parents have a logical barrier with their children, which is the obligation to educate them. That means we can't be your friends (or just your friends), because we have to be something else. But they, uncles, don't usually have that barrier (unless they take care of nephews every day, several hours ...) and can have an incredible relationship with them. So incredible that children end up wanting to see them again.

Because they have infinite energy

The parents arrived just at the end of the day, everything must be said, but the uncles who do not have children do not have that feeling of almost constant tiredness and arrive there where the parents are left without desire. And since they are only with them a few days, and some times, they leave the skin in those shared moments.

Because they have very cool things at home

I have already said it, but it is so: some have musical instruments (parents would have them too, but sometimes it is to choose between that or that your child has a room), others a huge television, others a movie projector, some a console with incredible accessories and the most collectors, those very cool toys that have never let anyone touch but sometimes they take a while to play with their nephews, always telling them that they are very special toys and that you have to treat them with love.

Because they are also the best confidants

Precisely because they can be like an older brother, if there is trust they can become a great support for them. Again, if they are younger than the parents, they may be more aware of the moment of change, of relationships with friends, adolescence, etc. Besides, they are not parents and that It helps them see situations from outside, with perspective, and may be more objective and in certain matters and moments, closer to them.

Because they buy very cool clothes

Only they would think of appearing in the shirt of the children's favorite team, with their name behind. Or with one of some superhero, or some rock group. Come on, which is not what they will buy first choice, but if they end up buying clothes, they are sure they are right because they do not go with "nonsense" of stripes, pictures or moles.

Because if they forget the gift, they fix it big

Umm, yes. This can happen if parents do not party. That comes the day of birthday and do not remember. But nothing happens because if they forget, they fix it big: "Let the children take them to the movies, with popcorn and everything, and then we will have some pizza or whatever." Or "let them take me home and spend the night with me," or "go out there for a drink, or spend the weekend outside, that I already stay with them at your home."

In a moment they prepare you a delicious meal

Making cakes is usually left more for aunts ... they are more about practical things, eating, than when there is real hunger. In a moment they make you an amazing pasta dish, a pizza or a hamburger that neither in the McDonalds. Do you want them to eat healthy? Well, one day they add to the cause, but they have it clear: "If they stay with me it is to have fun and to celebrate that we are together, so today they drink Coca-Cola (without caffeine), that you know." "Yes, calm down, I will take a picture with the face of" Arrggghhhh "when they put the first drink, that here nothing to pour a little water or nonsense of those."

Night parties are the most

If those of the aunts are hilarious, those of the uncles can be the hecatomb. Peli, piggy dinner, some games to the console and all with a higher volume than recommended to live in community. "What time did they fall asleep? Well, now that you say it, I don't know ... because I think I fell asleep before." "Nooo, soon. If at eight o'clock they were already standing," they tell us as they wink at our children and they smile mischievously behind their "hide and seek" hands.

Because they love you madly

Because they also love them for madness and go out of their way to give them their best, learning magic tricks for when they see them again, jokes and even stories, and because they are like a second dad, and that is very cool, but a lot.

Yes, okay, not all uncles are as magical as these we have talked about today, but many are They also deserve a sincere tribute for their work, for its presence and for being that figure that children come to admire so much. Thank you guys for your time, games and dialogues with the children. They are as important to you as you are to them, so keep it up! (although the mother tells you no).

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Video: Caso Cerrado. Caught With His Neice In The Shower . Telemundo English (July 2024).