Families consider their pediatrician a health and prevention counselor

The Spanish pediatric model, by which all children in our country must be cared for by specialists in Pediatrics, has proven to be beneficial for their health, as well as more efficient and effective considering the cost. The Spanish Association of Pediatrics considers that the clinical, research and social work of these health professionals, can be violated if the doctors who care for our children do not have pediatric training.

It is estimated that more than 30 percent of primary care pediatric positions are being filled by doctors without the specialty

On October 8, Pediatrics Day is celebrated for the first time in Spain, reminding these professionals who share with families the mission to ensure the health of children and adolescents. For this reason, the results of a survey have been made public according to which “95.3% pediatricians believe that it is necessary for parents to share information with them about the social environment in which the child and adolescent develops to improve your health".

The percentage (82 percent) of pediatricians who believe that families provide this data proactively is also high. Other data extracted from the survey are that 90% of people who think that the crisis is affecting the health of children (54.9 percent of them believe that much or enough).

This affectation is specified according to pediatricians in food, access to vaccines and certain medications; In addition, 40 percent think that it is also noted in the possibility of the child doing social activities.

Finally, it should be noted that 63.8% of the respondents families consider the pediatrician a counselor who participates in the decision making in health and prevention. Although 7 out of 10 believe that the time allotted to attend each consultation is "insufficient" or "very insufficient" to meet the needs of the patient and his family.

In Peques and More | The specialty of Primary Care Pediatrics is the measure that guarantees the assistance provided to children. How does the crisis affect the medical care of children ?: The opinion of pediatricians, 'Family and Health': a website to improve child and adolescent health care from the family environment

Video: Dr. Nandini Arvind Bhat Nemours Pediatrician in Seaford (July 2024).