Once upon a time… Storytelling marathon in Madrid

They make us dream, they make us laugh, they make us have a good time and stimulate children's imagination. Telling stories is an art, but any dad or mom becomes an artist from time to time. If you are in Madrid tomorrow Saturday you can not miss an excellent opportunity to attend a storytelling marathon.

On March 14, 2015, the Storytelling School organizes this marathon with 40 of its storytellers telling stories for three hours, for children and adults. This is the fourth edition of this meeting and will be in the auditorium of La Casa del reader, in Matadero Madrid.

It will be in the morning, between 12 and 15 hours. For the little ones the first hour is reserved and during the last two hours stories for adults and family audiences will be told.

With the motivation of promoting oral narration and promoting the storytelling genre, School of Storytelling It is a hotbed of artists, some of whom will be on this date displaying their magic. Surely after a show like this, more than one child asks us for stories more often and becomes fond of books.

Admission to the storytelling marathon in Madrid is free until capacity is reached. You know, if you have no plans for tomorrow, this is a good opportunity to listen to stories from expert storytellers who will also give us ideas to continue telling stories to our children at home.

Official Site | Storytelling School
Photo | Santa Cruz Public Libraries on Flickr-CC
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