When it comes to avoiding sudden infant death, is it better for the baby to sleep on his or her side or on his back?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is one of the great fears of parents who have just been, because there is nothing more horrible than letting you sleep and waking up to realize that your baby has died, without knowing why or how, and thinking that maybe you could have avoided it somehow.

We all know (or almost all of them, because there are parents who put babies to sleep in the wrong position) that babies should be prevented from sleeping on their stomachs, because the risk of sudden death is much greater, now: Is it better to sleep on your side or better to sleep on your back but with your head tilted?

Sleeping on your side is better than sleeping on your stomach

For many years our mothers were told to put us to sleep on their stomachs because they felt that we would breathe better and that, in case of regurgitation, we would be safer like that. In 1992 it was decided to modify the recommendation, as the results were not as expected, and the opposite began to be recommended: avoid the position of the baby in prone, that is, avoid putting them upside down.

Current studies show that putting the baby to sleep on his side is five or more times safer than putting him to sleep on his stomach, so in many hospitals they put them to sleep that way and parents are recommended to do so at home. Many of the parents I see in the consultation, in fact, tell me what they have been told in the hospital, that the ideal is that babies sleep on their side.

But sleeping on your side is less safe than sleeping on your back

So the ideal would be for babies to sleep on their side, if not because sleeping on your back is twice as safe as sleeping on your side (and consequently, ten times safer than sleeping on your stomach). In this sense, the ideal, if the baby raises some milk (regurgitation), is that head sideways, which is how it usually looks because they sleep without a pillow and because they do not have much strength in the neck, the head falls.

In summary, the most advisable to avoid sudden death is The baby sleeps on his back and with his head tilted. And to curl the curl and avoid plagiocephaly, that the position of the head (to the right and to the left) is more or less equitable in time, because if more time passes from one side these asymmetries will occur.

Video: Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (July 2024).