They have six daughters and they wait ... another girl! The original announcement of a family that complains about sexist comments they have to endure

Jeremy and Jessica Martin-Weber are parents of six girls and soon the family will be enlarged. The sex of the baby was something that they hoped to meet eagerly and the ultrasound revealed that is coming ... another girl!

They are happy and decided to announce it with a fun photo session in which all family members wear black and each one has their own combination of chromosomes, XX girls and XY father in their hands. In turn, father and mother place their hands on the belly with the chromosome they provide to indicate the sex of the baby they expect, two X (XX): so it will be another girl. But the ad has a bittersweet background, since it also complain about the sexist comments they have to endure for being a family of only girls.

Along with the photos of the whole family, taken by Your Street Photography by Meghann Street, these are some of the words parents share:

"We decided to share our chromosomes including those of Lucky (the baby they expect) because we have reached a point where we are 'burned' by people making callous comments about our family "needs a child". Although we know that people want to say it well and are not intentionally insensitive, our daughters in particular (6 girls) are worn out, frustrated and hurt by the constant pressure that we must somehow be disappointed not to have a child with a penis in the family.

From the smallest (5 years) to the oldest (18 years) these conversations are eclipsing the enthusiasm of a new person who joins our family, and we have decided to reveal it now to give us a few weeks to focus on the next birth.

We are very excited as a family! Lucky's sex is just a little information about who he is, something that gives us an idea of ​​his personality, but it is not a determining factor in his personality, interests and who they will become. "

It doesn't disappoint not to have a boy (or a girl)

When a couple has children of both sexes, at least one boy and one girl, nobody seems to care about the family 'sexual balance', however if birth after birth, the baby's sex is the same, people start doing sexist comments quite unpleasant for the family. "For when the child?", "With so many girls, you'll have to take a turn to go to the bathroom", "You will need a child to go to football" (or a girl to go shopping)…

Jessica, the mother of the family of six (soon seven) girls, says that when one of her older daughters shared that they were expecting another baby, they told her that "I wish they had a child because they deserved a break, since the boys are much more easy than girls. "

And that once, a bank teller called the father, Jeremy, "poor" in front of his daughters when he learned that they were waiting for another girl. He told him that he felt for him because he was surrounded by girls and how difficult it would be for him not to have a child. "This led to our nine-year-old daughter apologizing to her dad for not being a boy," the mother adds.

I understand very well what is going on in this family. In my family we are dad, mom, three girls and a dog, therefore my husband is the only man in the family. We have had to listen to such comments since the second was born and it turns out that he was not a child. And then the third. Even still, we don't think we have any more children, they keep telling us that "we lack the child." None of us feel disappointed because there is no child in the family. We are perfectly happy as we are with three girls, without feeling that the sex of a son could make us more or less happy.

Photos | Your Street Photography by Meghann Street (Reproduced with permission)
Via | Huffington Post
In Babies and more | Boy or girl? Who determines the sex of the baby: chance, mother, father, God ...?, When you want to have a boy and is a girl (or vice versa)

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