Seven reasons why our child may take time to start walking

There are children who begin to walk later than other children, and some do it even much later than others, although there is no medical problem that motivates this “delay” (in between because it does not really have to be a delay, but which may simply be slower).

This can generate some concern for parents and that is why it might be interesting to explain the seven most common reasons that make some children take longer to walk.

1. It is slower in making development progress

There are no exact rules that say when a baby has to walk, and it shows that some 10-month-old babies walk perfectly when others don't do it until 15 or 18 months.

If our son was a little slow to turn around, if he was still lying down when others were already seated and if he barely moved from the place when others were already crawling, it is most likely perfectly normal that it takes longer to walk more than the children of your age. Moreover, it is probably the most logical, simply because its rhythm is a little different. The only thing to observe is that this process is not too slow, basically if you have to rule out some kind of disorder.

In Babies and more Baby's first steps

2. The baby is calmer than other babies

There are babies who are calm, very calm in general, who can spend hours sitting without saying anything, who play sitting or lying in the same place, that if they do not reach a toy they are satisfied with the one they have closer and that Logically, they will start doing it all later. It's not that there is a problem really, but that they will simply do the same, but later, because they are not in a hurry or need to do it before.

3. It is a very cautious baby

Caution is a characteristic of people that is usually linked to the experiences and character. Focusing on each child's way of being, there are some that are authentic Kamikazes, that when they don't know how to walk they let go of it, that when they don't know how to crawl, they throw themselves on the floor and that when they don't know how to get off the bed, they do it almost head first.

Other children, on the other hand, are more cautious. They do not jump a step because they do not dare and sit down first and then lower their feet until they touch the ground, crawl only through areas they consider safe, they walk close to the wall, as if they were Spiderman, because that is how they find furniture in which hold on and, if by any chance they end up standing up, without any possible grip, they prefer to bend down and crawl rather than take the first step.

These children usually take longer to start walking, but they have the advantage that they take very few blows, because when they do they have enough strength and the necessary balance to do so.

4. When he tried he got a good scare

Linked to the comments in the previous point, some of the daring babies usually try to walk before being prepared, falling to the ground if we are not close to stop the fall. If this fall was strong, if he hurt himself too much or became too scared, it was possible that the bad experience made him take fear and that I slammed into the group of cautious children: "I tried, it went wrong, I no longer risk ... when I see that I can do it for sure, I will do it again. Until then, I refuse."

In Babies and more, do not put it to walk !: It is recommended that babies crawl

5. Your anatomy does not help

There may be children whose anatomy does not help them to be among the first to walk. If they weigh a lot or if their tall stature affects the balance of children, it may happen that they take longer to take the first steps. Nothing special needs to be done because it is a matter of time that they develop their sense of balance more.

6. Someone shook his hand to start walking

It happens sometimes that fathers and mothers, with all the good intentions of the world, see that their daughter is about to walk and instead of letting you decide to help him by giving him the hand. At that moment the baby begins to walk taking advantage of the support point that helps him maintain balance, which is none other than the hand that holds him from above.

If you like the subject and you end up using it as a means of transportation, you may stop crawling and simply call mom or dad whenever you want to move from one side to another, to shake hands and help you go there where they want

This makes the baby no longer autonomous, always looking for the support you need and not looking for yourself the balance and strength needed to walk on your own.

7. He is an expert in crawling

It can also happen that a baby is a real crawling expert and that he does it so well and so fast that he sees no advantage to walking slowly. If crawling has already found a way to get where he wants and does it quickly, while safely, it does not make much sense for him to stand up, walk slowly and fall every few steps.

In Babies and more Baby crawling: a great step for your autonomy


There are many things that can make a child walk later than others. The important thing is to know that most of the time it's normal and keep in mind that, if it takes too long to take the first steps (it has more than 18 months, for example, and does not walk), it could be interesting to assess whether there could be any problem at the psychomotor level, at the development level or at the nutritional level ( An anemia, for example, can cause psychomotor development to be affected.)

Video: Baby Milestones: Sitting, Rolling Over, and Walking. St. Louis Children's Hospital (May 2024).