Sophia, the first trans girl in Mexico who manages to change her name

A little over a year ago we told them the story of Lucia, the smallest child in Spain to get a name change. Lucia, who was born as a boy named Luken, received support from her parents when she told them at age three that she wanted to be a child.

Now, in Mexico a similar story has just happened, in which a girl of only six years and born as a boy, became the first minor to change their name and gender in their birth certificate by administrative means.

The first time Sophia's mother heard him say a comment in reference to her gender, it was on a visit to the hospital when she was a year and a half and he got excited because he had taken off his pants to put on a robe. "He said: 'Mommy, they put on a dress'"Sophia's mother tells EFE.

From that age, Sophia always expressed interest and preference to act as a child. But began to have problems when he entered preschool, at age four. He was doing very badly in class and when he said he would have a party and disguise himself as Frozen, many children mocked.

Things were difficult for Sophia, I felt sadness and isolation for not having that feeling of belonging With boys or girls. At school the teachers created a plan and with the support of parents, they tried to spend more time with dad and do things "boys." But this only made him feel sadder.

At five years old, He finally opened up with his mother and said: "I don't want to be a boy, I want to be a girl". His mother then didn't know anything about child transsexuality, so he decided to investigate to find out how he could help. It was then that he contacted the "Be Gay" collective, which defends LGBTI rights.

At first there was fear and many doubts, but from the first meetings, the whole family supported Sophia unconditionally, from his parents, his older brother, his grandmother and his aunt.

At home she soon started acting and being treated as a child, but at school they did not want to accept him despite having a favorable opinion from the Commission on Human Rights. For this reason, it was agreed to change her school when she started her third preschool grade. From the beginning of that new year, Sophia was always a girl for all her classmates, although some teachers knew that it had not always been that way.

A year ago The process to change the name and gender began in Sophia's birth certificate. Previously, it was a very cumbersome process, in which you had to go through a judge, a doctor and a psychologist to be able to prove your 'trans' identity.

In the case of Sophia, this whole process was not necessary, based on a specialized opinion and the support of the Council to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination in Mexico City (Copred).

In June, Sophia and her mother traveled to Mexico City to pick up their new birth certificate, in which it appears with her current name. This year, Sophia began her first year of primary school and her mother feels very happy for her: "It is very changed, there is a part of it that did not let it be as it was".

After a few difficult years, Sophia today lives happy and free, being finally who she wanted, with the gender with which she identifies.

Video: Nikki Exotika- Transgender Barbie blows $1M on plastic surgery (July 2024).