Eating vegetables daily in pregnancy could prevent diabetes in the child

According to Swedish scientists from the University of Gothenburg pregnant women who consume a daily intake of vegetables protect the fetus from developing type 1 diabetes.

Cases of type 1 diabetes among children have grown dramatically in the past five years, making it one of the most frequent chronic diseases in childhood. It occurs when certain antibodies in the child's blood attack the insulin-producing cells, creating a deficiency of this hormone that must be injected daily.

The disease has a genetic factor, but it can also be triggered by other causes. Sometimes it is not easy to detect the disease in the child because its symptoms can go unnoticed.

Now, we are all interested in preventing a chronic illness in our children and feeding during pregnancy can be a great ally to achieve it.

Daily consumption of vegetables is essential in pregnancy either as a side dish or in salad. They have a great contribution of vitamins and minerals, in addition to fiber that in turn helps prevent hypertension and control gestational diabetes.

In pregnancy the consumption of all vegetables is recommended. The richest in iron are spinach, chard, escarole, garlic, broccoli, parsley, cabbage, artichokes, beets, radishes and leeks; Fiber-rich are spinach, chard, mashed potatoes, cabbage, red beets, carrots, asparagus, tomatoes and avocado, while the latter three together with lettuce are rich in folic acid.

Although it cannot be said that the vegetables themselves have a protective effect, experts associate the consumption of vegetables by pregnant women with a twice lower risk of type 1 diabetes in children. So you know, a daily plate of vegetables in pregnancy brings great benefits for the mother and the baby.

Via Infomed More information | Pediatric Diabetes In Babies and more | More and more diabetes in Spanish children, Symptoms of diabetes in children

Video: What I Eat in a Day - Type 1 Diabetic Edition (July 2024).