Do you want to know your son better? Play with him

The game is the "language" of children. Through it they entertain, they learn from the world around them, but they also tell us about themselves.

Thanks to the game, the child develops skills that we do not usually take into account, but which are essential to forge his personality. We think they are just having fun, but the game is much more than that, it is also a connecting bridge. So, if you want to know your son better, play with him.

Being an essential part of our children's childhood, it is important that we also accompany them in their games. We are not only to take care of them and feed them, leisure moments must be shared to encourage the development of skills and values ​​that begin to sprout in our children.

Through play with the child we can observe many of his behaviors. We can see how he faces frustrations and victories, how he relates to others, as well as how he decides to resolve the conflicts that arise. We can also assess whether he is a collaborator, if he is supportive, if he is disciplined, if he is considerate of others ... There are thousands of situations that will reveal his way of acting and his thoughts.

Do you get angry if you lose? Do you boast if you win? Want to dominate the game? All these questions open paths on which to work together, because it is also essential that we accompany in the education of our children in this regard.

It is not about becoming guardians of the game, an accusing finger that highlights what they do wrong, of course not. Simply share games as observers, without intervening authoritatively, being playmates and helping them overcome their own fears and difficulties.

Definitely, the game will help you get to know your children better. By the way, how many of you remember your parents playing with you as children? What is a precious memory? And it sure has left you great lessons for life.

Video: 10 Things You Should Never Say To Your Child (July 2024).