When our son is sick

The doctor, that adult in a white coat who is only going to visit when something is wrong, that prescribes horrible syrups and injections that hurt, is usually a character very feared by children. It's natural. If we adults, who can control our fears and understand the reasons why we have to go to the doctor, don't like us, imagine the children.

The only way to help a sick child is by putting himself in his place, trying to analyze things from his point of view.

When our son is sick, the discomfort and suffering he experiences add him to a state of anguish from which he does not know how to get out. That is why he needs us, his parents, more than ever, because we are the only ones who can reassure him: the physical contact, the smell, the sound of our voice, that is, any element that is familiar to him, will help him regain confidence and, therefore, balance. Some ways to help our sick child

  • Try not to alter their customs more than is strictly necessary. * Show yourself flexible and tolerant, but without altering your child's routine too much. Otherwise, you will feel disoriented.
  • Behave as usual. If you don't, your child will realize that something abnormal is happening and his feelings of anguish will intensify.
  • Do not hide the truth. Explain everything about your illness. Use simple phrases and full of images. It's about your son thinking that the situation is new for him, but not for you. That will reassure you.
  • Try not to dramatize. Do not try to hide the unpleasant aspects of your disease. Prepare him for the possible pain of the priests or for the pair of injections that are going to give him. If you tell him that it will not hurt or that it will not be anything and then it hurts or has a bad time, next time he will not trust you.

Video: Sick of Your Child Lying? This is How to Make it Stop. (July 2024).