Prince or princess: lunar calendar to know the sex of the baby

Tables and calendars to know the sex of the baby there are several. The best known are the Mayan table and the Chinese calendar, tools with which future fathers and mothers try to know what will be the sex of your future baby.

To these resources are added now the lunar calendar, a method that, it is said, farmers used to prey cows at the right time as they wanted to have females or males.

This calendar is available on the Prince or Princess website, where in theory couples can know the sex of their future baby by marking the day of conception as the key date.

What is the day of conception?

In case of doubt, the date of conception is calculated based on the date of the last rule. Knowing the first day of the last rule, we add 14 days (at 14 days, if the woman has regular and 28-day menstrual cycles, ovulation occurs) and that will be the baby's conception day.

True or false?

As with all tools aimed at knowing the sex of the baby, parents wonder to what extent they are reliable. Seeing the Chinese calendar and the Mayan table, one quickly concludes that if one of the two is true, the other must be false, because they do not match.

Taking into account that the chances of getting it right are 50%, there will be a large number of successes and a large number of errors and sometimes there will be women whose children were born exactly as it says such or which table, which may even say they work .

With respect to Prince or princess lunar calendar, a simple search in Google with the words "lunar calendar female male livestock" has led me to a study that shows that it makes no sense to apply the moon phases to select the sex of the animals, because the expected results are not achieved (at least no better results than if nothing is done).


It is an application more than many, to hang out and play to guess what the sex of the baby will be. Obviously it has no foundation and can both be right and wrong, so please take the results as a game, nothing more.

Website | Prince or princess In Babies and more | Chinese table to know the sex of the baby: does it work ?, Test to know the sex of the baby at 10 weeks, Know the sex of the baby: Chinese table to print

Video: Plan my baby prince or princess review && How choose gender### (July 2024).