“Act as a family” helps artists who want to start a family

After a socio-labor report that was made last year among 1,200 artists, it follows that two out of every three Spanish actresses had not been able to be mothers and of those that were, only 13% had been able to combine the gestation and upbringing of their son with His professional career.

The AISGE Foundation (Artists and Interpreters Management Society) has created the plan "Act in family", with which he will help artists to face motherhood and fatherhood, a situation that causes them fear of losing job opportunities or becoming disconnected from the current landscape.

This plan covers the first three years of the baby's life, even if a child is adopted or accepted. But first of all, the Foundation's assistance team will analyze the different cases and assign the corresponding aid. The aid plan of the AISGE begins before the baby is born if you have a risky pregnancy and you cannot work with a supplement of 350 euros per month. During the maternity leave will provide a monthly help of 1,200 euros if the parents have no public benefit.

Finally, during the first three years of the child, it offers support so that professionals in the sector can assume childcare or babysitting expenses. In addition, the assistance team offers support to fathers or mothers who return to work.

It is a gesture that will provide economic support for basic needs and that will surely favor birth in our country.

Video: New Mexico Releases Family Caregiver Plan (July 2024).